Farewell to LCB

Posted on Thursday 2nd July, 2015

Being in LCB for the last two years has been an absolutely incredible experience. Nanny McPhee was my first production with LCB. I was very nervous about making friends as I was quite shy and didn’t know a single person in the company. Soon enough I made many amazing new friends who I will never forget. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming, but even when you didn’t have anyone to talk to - Anne (the LCB chaperone) was there to save the day and put a smile on your face!

I enjoyed myself so much in Nanny McPhee I couldn’t wait to audition for Snow White. But it was difficult to persuade my mum to let me audition as I was heading into a work-packed year at school. Two weeks after the Snow White performance week I was due to sit two real GCSE exams! This meant carrying my revision cards wherever I went and sitting with a textbook in the dressing rooms whenever I had the chance. Although it was difficult, I’m so glad I did it.

I am so grateful to LCB for everything they have given me; I had never ever imagined myself performing on a West End stage in front of thousands of people. And working with two very different choreographers has been extremely eye opening. I am so grateful! I have learnt so much throughout my time with LCB, but the main thing I will take away is not being afraid to perform on stage and give it your all. I wish I could perform with LCB a thousand times more, but now I'm 15 I’ve just got too old! Instead, I cannot wait to watch next year’s performance and all the rest to come! 

Corps de Ballet


Sixty children were chosen from over 500 young hopefuls to be part of the LCB’s 2014 season. Now they are working together, week in, week out, to create a stunning West End production of Nanny McPhee. In their own words, LCB’s young dancers share the highs and lows of this exciting, life-changing experience.